We strive to inspire change, develop skills and promote mental wellness 

Lets emphasize abilities, not limitations and help empower people to make real changes in their lives!

Mental health is everyone’s business!

We strive to inspire change, eliminate shame, discrimination and stigma surrounding youth with mental health problems. We take the responsability and the opportunity to improve health and happiness by developing public awareness and work in partnership with profesional health care and social service providers and other community organiztions to promote mental illness.

About Us

The CHAS is a nonprofit organization established in Sherbrooke, Quebec since 1998. Our program provides transitional housing services for young people of 15 to 30 years of age, living with a mental health profile. Our main mission is to help customers gain a better understanding of their illness, achieve their optimal level of social and occupational functioning and develop skills giving access to a healthy and normalizing lifestyle. Each youth receives a supportive, rehabilitaion service designed to meet their individual goals and to help them regain power over their lives. More than 840 young  men and women  have benefited from this program and have reintegrated the community.

Program activities

  • Preparation for independent living
  • Social and basic life skill training
  • Substance awareness and prevention through harm reduction practices
  • Reintegration and community support
  • Promotion of mental health and prevention of isolation and suicide
  • Reduction of stigma and discrimination
Contact us


1 in 5 Canadians will experience a mental health issue in their lifetime.

Schizophrenia is youth’s greatest disabler as it strikes  the 16 to 30 year age group, affecting one person  in 100.

Suicide is among the leading causes of death in 15-24 year old Canadians

Stigma and discrimination attached to mental illnesses presents a serious barrier, not only to diagnosis and treatment but also to acceptance in the community.

Facts about our customers :

75%  were experiencing their first-episode of psychosis

90%  had co-occurring mental health, anxiety and addiction disorders

85% had an absence of life project at entrance

60% had a weak social support network

90% have maintained themselves in the community after departure